NTC Media, the production company of the ongoing popular TV series broadcasted on ATV, “Love and Hate” (Aşk ve Mavi) and “Orphan Flowers” (Kırgın Çiçekler)” received 4 prizes from the Moon Life Magazine.
NTC Media is definitely one of the most successful production companies and is continuing to receive awards with its unique production successes. Moon Life Magazine gave away many prizes to the two TV series that are among some of the most popular series of ATV Channel with the highest ratings, produced by NTC Media, Love and Hate (Aşk ve Mavi) and Orphan Flowers (Kırgın Çiçekler).
On this awaited event held yearly, “Love and Hate”(Aşk ve Mavi) won the Best Drama Series of the Year award and “Orphan Flowers” (Kırgın Çiçekler) won the Best Youth Series of the Year award. Aleyna Solaker , the much loved actress from the “Orphan Flowers” (Kırgın Çiçekler) won the Fastest Shining Series Actress of the Year award . Mehmet Yiğit Alp won the Best Series Producer of the Year award. It seems like NTC Media will continue to be mentioned pretty often and will continue to receive many awards with its accomplishments and projects.